Monday 26 January 2015


Media statement issued by ADUN LIKAS Junz Wong 

"This is rare but I have to say this is a great move by Chief Minister Datuk Musa to cut costs"

ADUN LIKAS Junz Wong hailed Chief Minister Datuk Musa for his recent announcement that State Government would be introducing several cut-cost measures to cope with difficult financial situations.

Junz believed that Sabah State Government must have done in-depth investigations and analysis before making such a decision.

That was the right move for BN administration to cut the unnecessary expenses in view of the tough economic years ahead which might lead to less revenue.

Junz Wong who is also DAP Sabah Organizing Secretary, would however like CM Musa to consider his proposal to not only help govt administration to cut costs but also help Sabahan small/medium business (SMEs) operators to cut costs.

All Sabah State Govt has to do is to look into some bad policies and adjust / delay / cancel the policies to help Sabahans to cope with the difficult years ahead.

1) Local housing Govt Ministry imposing new policy for local authorities in 24 districts to charge small medium enterprises based on business premises.

For example, In Sandakan, the council has made categorized business operators more difficult to do business by forcing business owners to pay based on their business areas. Many Sandakan business operators in beautician, hair saloon, health therapy, spa, gym, fitness centre etc have already complained about their plights but was turned a deaf ear.

Junz said Federal Govt tried to help SME by introducing several SME schemes and initiatives to help entrepreneurs and small businesses.

But why is State Govt doing the opposite and implementing bad policies to make life more difficult for small and medium enterprises ?

It's not too late to reverse the policy. Order local authorities to stop implementing the polices now especially during this difficult period.

2) State Govt has also implemented export tax on fishery items.

Junz couldn't understand why even GST a national fiscal policy has exempted export fishery items from being taxed but at state level, Sabah Govt is taxing fishery export item?

The above examples are just some of the many policies that should be reviewed entirely.

By now I'm sure the govt know exactly what difficult economic situations Sabahans will face soon.

Even State govt is cutting costs, what about normal people and ordinary business owners ?

It's only right that govt amend bad policies to help our people to cut costs as well. Junz concluded.


Junz Wong

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