Tuesday 31 March 2015

Is the "special passes for stateless kids" move wise?

STATELESS KIDS....their existence are the mother of all problems in Sabah 

ADUN LIKAS Junz Wong raised concerns over Datuk Jainab enthusiasm towards the matter of issuing special passes to stateless kids citing that it would lead to greater social problems without carefully detailed researched studies. 

Junz said he was not entirely objecting this idea but needed more details for proper analysis to understand the rationale over such move by the relevant Ministries. He said he was worried that this could encourage more illegal immigrants to "swim" into Sabah. 

He suggested Tan Sri Pairin, who is in charged of this relevant committee, to hold public forums, engage concerning citizens, explain what the actual idea is all about and how to go about achieving the objective. 

Accordingly to the reported news, Government planned to keep the stateless kids under a centre to provide them with education and trainings so they could be trained and be qualified to join in the workforce. 

Junz who is also DAP Sabah Organizing Secretary hoped that the relevant persons be it Tan Sri Pairin or Datuk Jainab could look into these questions carefully and respond. 

The questions are as followed :

1. What is the status of the stateless kids after they are been trained and are eligible to work in Sabah for good? 

2. How many stateless kids are there in Sabah? 

3. What are the eligible ages to apply for such special pass?

4. What kind of jobs are being considered to offer to them? 

5. How much allocation government plans to spend to educate them including school and squatter facilities? 

6. How much allocation government plans to spend to train them including faculty facilities?

7. How long does the education & training program last? 

8. How to safeguard the interests of our Sabah children in future to make sure that job opportunities would not be taken away by the trained stateless kids? 

9. What will be the status of the stateless kids' future generations? 

10. Will these exercises if implemented, aim to resolve stateless kids for once and for all or this is going to be a long term program to deal with stateless kids problem? 

"I urge the relevant ministries and committee to look into the questions seriously before even thinking about implementing such exercise. I am sincerely worried about what the government is planning to do, may really lead to bigger social problems in future." Junz concluded

On the same note, Junz reminded the Sabah State Government that there are still many genuine Sabahan kids in the interior areas who have not even got their birth certificates, identity cards and other relevant documents. They are still being deprived of their basic rights as Sabahans to education, health and other welfares. 

"When is the government planning to resolve this issue? When is government planning to provide trainings to empower the rural Sabahan kids to join the workforce?" Junz asked.

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